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Can Your Piercing Close Overnight?

Updated: Nov 5, 2024

girl lay down at bed, tattoed
Can your piercing close overnight?

Getting a piercing is an exciting way to express yourself, but it's natural to worry about whether it might close while you sleep. The answer is not straightforward because it depends on several factors, such as the age of the piercing, the type of piercing and your body's healing process. Let's talk about this topic and clear up any concerns.

Fresh vs. Healed Piercings

Fresh Piercings: of your piercing is new, it's at a higher risk of closing up if you remove the jewelry. According to Healthline a new piercing can close in a matter of hours. This is because your body sees the piercing as a wound and starts healing immediately.

Healed Piercings: For a piercing that has fully healed, which can take anywhere from a few months to a year depending on the location, the risk of it closing overnight is much lower. However, even healed piercings can shrink quickly if left without jewelry for an extended period. Cleveland Clinic notes that while the initial healing period is crucial, maintaining the piercing over time is equally important to prevent closure.

Different Types of Piercings

Ear Lobes: ear lobe piercings tend to stay open longer without jewelry. But if they’re still new or if you’ve had them out for an extended period, they can close up.

Cartilage Piercings: these are more likely to close up quickly if the jewelry is removed because the tissue is harder and doesn’t heal as fast as softer areas like the ear lobes.

Navel, Nose, and Lip Piercings: these can also close up quickly if they’re new. For example, a nose piercing can start to close up in just a few hours if the jewelry is removed, as pointed out by Byrdie.

How to Prevent Piercings from Closing Overnight?

1. Keep Jewelry In: the simplest way to prevent your piercing from closing is to leave the jewelry in at all times, especially during the initial healing phase.

2. Use Retainers: if you must remove your jewelry for work or medical procedures, use a retainer. These are usually clear or flesh-colored pieces that keep the piercing open without drawing much attention.

3. Be Patient with Healing: Follow your piercer's aftercare instructions carefully. This includes cleaning the piercing regularly and avoiding unnecessary trauma to the area. WebMD advises adhering to proper aftercare practices to ensure a smooth healing process.

4. Reinsert Jewelry Carefully: If your piercing does close up, don’t force the jewelry back in. You might cause more damage. Instead, visit a professional piercer to help reopen it safely. 

So, can your piercing close overnight? Yes, it’s possible, especially if it’s a new piercing. However, with proper care and by keeping the jewelry in place, you can minimize the risk. Always listen to your body and seek professional advice if you’re unsure about your piercing’s status.

Remember, patience and proper care are your best friends when it comes to piercings!

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